June 2021 Newsletter
A truly monumental month for us at Redneck Modifications. Marking the halfway point of 2021, we have made some major changes, which can be found here regarding our website changes. Besides that, we have finally released the 2021 Whelen Pack Remastered after much delay, and have a lot more cool projects down the pipe, let's hop into it!
Discord Changes
If you live under a rock, you would see that our discord looks a bit different, and you have about 1500 pings regarding new things. This may be alot at once, but I once again encourage you to check out our new site, and read our major changes document I linked above, which is also on our site. The recent discord changes include-
New Channels
Existing Changes
#development-showcase to #ingame-showcase
#minecraft-screenshots changed to #game-screenshots
#merch channel
#patreon channel
All Listing Categories and Channels (Replaced with #new-arrivals)
More than likely one of our biggest discord revamps ever, but it is a lot cleaner and makes our discord alot easier to access and use, and has a much more community focus than before!
Division Move Around
Some very notable changes, our great NoneVale_ has retired his position as System Operations Director due to his schedule. I'm happy to announce IceTheDev is named as our new System Operations Director! This left a Team Leader spot open in Marketing which was taken by YesAvation, who is very experienced in marketing and will be bringing big changes to our social media aspect and many other marketing things. He transferred from Technical after helping with the new website. Other changes include Simon transferring from Marketing to Technical,
Project Outlook
Now that the Whlen Pack is done, I decided to take a creative turn and work on some new sports cars! I will be posting these in a few days in our public previews channel, but those who are customers have already seen them. These are the successors to the 2019 Muscle Car Run, and bring some really cool aspects , and make some super fun chase and patrol cars.
Following this, we will stick to LEO for a bit with some woof woof stuff, and get into some Heavy LEO stuff like SWAT , I won't spoil what just yet. We also have the Summer Truck Run upon us. After doing fire for a good while, this is a much needed change up for me. In due time, the next month or so, we will get right back into fire with our long in works fire apparatus. The engineering team has been working tirelessly on this and it is coming out great if you’ve followed the progress in our works-in-progress channel.
Not much more to say, I once again want to thank you guys for the immense support as we open a new and exiting chapter here in the company and our community. We thank you for the continuing suggestions, and opinions to get to help us improve. This doesn't go unnoticed and we are happy to improve anywhere possible. Enjoy the new site and not having to wait for me to send you files!